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تقييمات حالية
Michael 21/5/2023 11:53 م
I recently went to a comic con and this was a huge hit. The riveting and attention to details In the armor is flawless. From the item quality, to customer service, she did a fantastic job and I couldn’t have asked for a better experience. It fit to a T in every aspect and I would recommend her store in any department she’s crafting for.
هل كان هذا التقييم مفيد؟ نعم لا (1/0)
Lisa 17/6/2022 9:21 م
هل كان هذا التقييم مفيد؟ نعم لا (5/0)
كتابة التقييم الخاص بك
  • يمكن للمستخدمين المسجلين فقط التقييم
  • سىء
  • ممتاز
تقييمات حالية
Michael 21/5/2023 11:53 م
I recently went to a comic con and this was a huge hit. The riveting and attention to details In the armor is flawless. From the item quality, to customer service, she did a fantastic job and I couldn’t have asked for a better experience. It fit to a T in every aspect and I would recommend her store in any department she’s crafting for.
هل كان هذا التقييم مفيد؟ نعم لا (1/0)
Lisa 17/6/2022 9:21 م
هل كان هذا التقييم مفيد؟ نعم لا (5/0)