Beautiful Ottoman Arrows set. VERY Beautiful Turkish bow holder and Arrow Quiver
I"am VERY pleased with the VERY BEAUTIFUL Ottoman Arrows that came from Hood Archery! As with the Turkish leather Bow holder and Quiver. All MADE IN TURKEY! How Historically Correct is that? VERY MUCH SO!!
The quality of the leather Bow holder and quiver is absolutely totally striking! The Arrows are elegant, and fly like birds. They would fit right into a Museum display. They are THAT GREAT! Excellent Work Hood Archery. And THANK YOU!
I chose this because I wanted a high quality Turkish bow.
The two gold stripes are very dignified, carefully crafted and beautifully painted to give you the satisfaction of owning.
The front of the bow is made of a single piece of beautiful leather, centered on the handgrip. In addition to the wonderful grip, the combination with the wood on the back gives a high repulsive force. It is a full-fledged composite bow. As a result, not only is the speed of the arrow very fast, but the accuracy of the hit is very high because there is almost no vibration when the arrow is released. I think that the black and hard material of the strings also contributes to the good transmission of energy to the arrows.
I am having a good holiday competing with my 9 year old son with Turkish bows.
This is a distance of 15 meters.
I'm really glad I bought this bow. Thank you very much.
War die Bewertung hilfreich?JaNein (2/0)
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