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Joseph 10/01/2024 12:23 PG
Fine arrows.  They are light, fly straight, and are accurate.  The tips penetrate well, deeper than other types.
Apakah review ini membantu? Iya Tidak (3/0)
Amber 4/10/2023 12:44 PTG
These are absolutely beautiful arrows! My boyfriend loves them so much. They got held up in customs for a while so give yourself some extra time on the shipping. Great quality!
Apakah review ini membantu? Iya Tidak (3/0)
ROMAN 28/05/2021 5:26 PTG
Great arrows down to the detailExactely as describedvery happy with these arrowsThank you very much.Best greetings
Apakah review ini membantu? Iya Tidak (6/0)
Srefano 27/05/2021 6:48 PG
Apakah review ini membantu? Iya Tidak (2/0)
Bill 11/05/2019 6:16 PG
Beautiful Arrows!
Just beautiful arrows and I'm sure they will fly like shooting stars! Thank you so much for these!
Apakah review ini membantu? Iya Tidak (1/0)
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Ulasan yang ada
Joseph 10/01/2024 12:23 PG
Fine arrows.  They are light, fly straight, and are accurate.  The tips penetrate well, deeper than other types.
Apakah review ini membantu? Iya Tidak (3/0)
Amber 4/10/2023 12:44 PTG
These are absolutely beautiful arrows! My boyfriend loves them so much. They got held up in customs for a while so give yourself some extra time on the shipping. Great quality!
Apakah review ini membantu? Iya Tidak (3/0)
ROMAN 28/05/2021 5:26 PTG
Great arrows down to the detailExactely as describedvery happy with these arrowsThank you very much.Best greetings
Apakah review ini membantu? Iya Tidak (6/0)
Srefano 27/05/2021 6:48 PG
Apakah review ini membantu? Iya Tidak (2/0)
Bill 11/05/2019 6:16 PG
Beautiful Arrows!
Just beautiful arrows and I'm sure they will fly like shooting stars! Thank you so much for these!
Apakah review ini membantu? Iya Tidak (1/0)