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Joanne 10.04.2021 06:32
Turkish Quiver with blue and gold decoration
Just received my quiver today, which is pictured along with the six arrows I also purchased.   I had specially requested that the quiver be made for left handed use, and was told that this could easily be done.  The quiver is beautifully made of thick, sturdy leather with very attractive, eye-catching decoration.  I trust it will give me many years of good service!  
Bilde av Turkish Quiver with blue and gold decoration
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Eksisterende vurderinger
Joanne 10.04.2021 06:32
Turkish Quiver with blue and gold decoration
Just received my quiver today, which is pictured along with the six arrows I also purchased.   I had specially requested that the quiver be made for left handed use, and was told that this could easily be done.  The quiver is beautifully made of thick, sturdy leather with very attractive, eye-catching decoration.  I trust it will give me many years of good service!  
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