A stunning bow
I’ve been shooting this bow for a few weeks now. My observations are simple:
1 the bow is visibly beautiful from the shape to the mushroom material
2 the leather tabs in the arrow pass are well thought out and easily replaced. Haven’t had to do this yet.
3 I’ve tried the bow with four fletch 500 spine arrows from And three fletch Easton Traditionalist in 350 spine. It definitely prefers the lighter spine
4 The grip is comfortable. I’ve got pretty big hands and it still feels good.
5 the longer top limb puts an interesting feel into my khatra, which now that I’m used to, I enjoy.
6. After a little practice I have no problem shooting precisely. I’ve only shot this bow out to twenty five yards so far, but don’t anticipate any trouble
7. After 300-400 arrows there are no signs of trouble, and again, I don’t anticipate any
8 This bow is just fun to shoot. I don’t want to put it down
9 did I mention that it is jealousy inducing beautiful?
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