product reviews for Medieval Traditional Ottoman Hunting Archery Arrow For Recurve Longbow Bow Shoot with Painted Brown Detail Blue Black Turkey Feather
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I'm very happy with those arrows. I ordered slightly different patterns and different types of fletchers.. the blue colour it beautiful. The seller was very helpful and friendly. I ll definitely buy from his shop again

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She really outdid herself, they're absolutely beautiful, she has a gift! These arrows are perfect. ❤
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I love these arrows. The finishing and performance is amazing. Looks too good I dont want to shoot it.
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I bought 2 dozen of these. The arrows are beautifully made and the cresting is great. Comminication with the vendor was also great. I checked a few and they are spine matched within what one would would expect and the weight match was also good.Please be aware that, as standard, these are fletched with the cock feather vertical. In fairness, they are shown this way on the page but it is not what I would call usual. It's a horseback shooting thing, apparently. If you want the cock fletch horizontal you should probably mention this. Having said that, they shoot fine so I have decided to keep them.Also, and I suspect this is an web site thing, VAT is not included for the UK. If I were less generous I would call the page layout misleading. But I don't buy a lot on web site, so who knows. My UK import fees were about 30%.
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they are well made and even more beautiful in person than in the pictures.
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Very good arrows, I am very pleased, thank you.Great shop!
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